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Spinal cord stimulation therapy (SCS) is a revolutionary treatment option for those suffering from chronic pain. SCS involves implanting a small device under the skin that delivers mild electrical impulses to the spinal cord, helping to alleviate chronic pain.

SCS is often recommended for those who have not responded well to other forms of pain management, such as medications or physical therapy. The electrical impulses delivered by the SCS device interfere with the transmission of pain signals to the brain, leading to pain relief. This type of treatment is typically used for chronic conditions, such as back pain, nerve damage, or complex regional pain syndrome.

One of the primary benefits of SCS is that it is a minimally invasive procedure. The device typically requires only a small incision. This means that the recovery time is minimal, and patients can typically resume their normal activities within a few days.

Another advantage of SCS is that it is customizable to the individual patient. The intensity, frequency, and location of the electrical impulses can be adjusted to meet the patient's specific needs. This means that patients can experience effective pain relief without the need for medications or other invasive treatments.

If you are suffering from chronic pain and have not found relief with other treatments, SCS may be an excellent option for you. Contact Dr. Ajay Kumar to learn more about this treatment and to determine whether it is right for you. With SCS, you can enjoy long-lasting relief from chronic pain and get back to the activities you love.

Ajay Kumar, MD

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